Los Angeles Sisters Los Angeles Sisters

Do you ever feel bad when something good happens to you?


As they say, we are blessed to bless again

This world is tough. Especially right now. 2020 has been filled with some awful things. Things that will shake you to your core and rock your world. Amidst all of the pain and suffering that is plaguing our nation, when good things do happen to us, celebrating can feel kind of…wrong. I find myself almost feeling guilty when anything good happens, because of the distress others are facing at the same time.

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It is always a good time to be thankful for the things in our life that bring us joy.

However, it is not wrong to celebrate something good.

It is always a good time to be thankful for the things in our life that bring us joy.

It is always the right time to live with a grateful spirit.

Get rid of the guilt, and take on the responsibility.

If you are given something in life, whether it be a talent, time, money, a job - develop what you have to its full potential and use it to be a gift to others. We are all given a different lot in life and it doesn’t do anyone any good if we are constantly looking around, comparing - feeling superior or inferior, or bad about the good things we’ve been given.

In these difficult times, the world only needs goodness more. We need people who are willing to step up and use the good things they have to begin a ripple that will impact people for the better.

Your guilt doesn’t help anyone, your actions do.

Do not waste time feeling bad about the good things you have been given in life - use the good things you have to lift others up! 

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Los Angeles Sisters Los Angeles Sisters

Feeling like a failure? Maybe you’re actually in the right place.

And I guarantee you are doing better than you think.

A little revelation I thought I’d share...I have really struggled with feeling like a failure. No matter the triumphs, I often inwardly battle with feeling under qualified, or like I am constantly trying to catch up.

The more I learn the more I realize how much more there is to learn, which makes me feel incompetent...like I have somehow dropped the ball.


But then it occurred to me that just because there is a gap between what I know now and the things I would like to know does not mean that the gap is failure - the gap is a growing space, a good place.

I realized that surrounding myself with people and experiences who have more knowledge and wisdom to share is probably a great place to be.

Living in a space where my world is expanding is not living in a place of failure.

I should be scared when I find myself in a place where I think I know everything and have it all figured out. Because I don’t, and I never will. Nobody can.


So maybe I’m not failing, maybe I’m actually doing the opposite...growing, learning, changing. And maybe it’s challenging and uncomfortable, but I think it’s the place I want to be.

And quite frankly I hope I am always in a place of developing...because there will ALWAYS be more to learn. 

If you’re feeling like a failure today, reframe your thinking. Shift your mindset. You may find you’re in just the right place. And I guarantee you are doing much better than you think!

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